Education companies can have their quality independently audited. We are happy to have earned the right to use the LQWk logo for our quality management system:

We’d like to take this opportunity to express our warm thanks to the organizations con!flex and ArtSet for the development of a quality management system that is perfect for us and for their support during the process of certification.

Lerner- und Kundenorientierte Qualitätsentwicklung LQMS

During this process, everything that we do as a matter of course was raised to a higher level, so to speak, and both ArtSet and con!flex clearly showed us what matters to them: agile quality development that corresponds precisely to our own creative work and teaching style. There is a goal for each individual learner, and a goal for each individual level – but before we begin our collaboration, no one really knows exactly how to achieve these goals. Learners may just hear these foreign words that they don’t yet understand, strung together in phrases and sentences, and they frequently can’t quite imagine how they themselves will be able to speak like that one day. And then there are the preconceived notions they often hear, even from native speakers: German is so difficult, and it would be a complete waste of time to learn it, etc. For all of them it is a plunge into uncharted waters. And everyone is quite nervous and excited – even the teachers, by the way…

Thus, the entire learning process is about “successful cooperation”, about “lively communication”, about “sensitivity to change” – and these are precisely the characteristics from the “Manifesto for Agile Quality Development” that are more important than “standardized procedures”, “adherence to plans” and “comprehensive documentation”. This is a quality management system tailored perfectly to our teaching style. We look forward to continue working with it and to further improving our performance to ensure ongoing success and optimal teaching. Our customers deserve it, we deserve it and the con!flex team certainly deserves it as well.

For a more personal report, check out the German version!